
Terms of Service

By browsing the current Zessen2 website, the user agrees to read the content that constitutes the intellectual property of the website operator and use it solely for personal information purposes. The website operator, as the copyright holder, does not consent to the commercial use of this published content or to its reproduction or use in an unchanged or significantly similar manner. By acknowledging these terms, the user also subjects themselves to Hungarian copyright law and the jurisdiction of the Hungarian courts with authority over the operator\'s company seat.


The free-to-play online game operated through the official Zessen2 website can only be used after proper registration, along with the other services available in the game. Any natural person can register by filling out the personal registration form on the official Zessen2 website.

A minor may ONLY register on the site with the express consent of their legal representative and may only enter the site and play the online game after registration. By completing proper registration, the minor confirms to the operator of the Zessen2 game that their legal representative has consented to and agreed to the minor\'s use of the Zessen2 website and participation in the Zessen2 game.

During registration, the user must provide a username and an email address registered in their own name. The operator will only send any account-related information to the email address provided during registration. The operator of Zessen2 will treat the personal data obtained during registration confidentially and will not disclose it to any third party.

By registering, the user agrees that the operator of Zessen2 may occasionally send newsletters and offers to the email address associated with the account. This consent remains valid until the user unsubscribes from the newsletter according to the rules provided in the newsletter.

Proper registration, as accepted by the operator of Zessen2, entitles the user to access the database management services provided by the operator of Zessen2.

The use of the client and the game

After registration, the game can be used for free with the client owned by the operator of Zessen2, which can be downloaded from the official website of Zessen2 via the links provided there, and is used exclusively for participation in the Zessen2 game. The operator authorizes the free use of the client with the user\'s accepted registration. The client may not be used for any other purposes. It is prohibited to unpack, modify, or reverse-engineer the client’s program code. Violating the rules for using the client will result in the permanent exclusion of the registered user from the game. The client may not be used for commercial or business purposes. If any business competitor of Zessen2 uses the client for business purposes, this will always result in the initiation of appropriate legal proceedings.

The game is free to use, but certain services, virtual items, and features can only be accessed by payment, usually through premium SMS. If a minor user wishes to access paid features via premium SMS, they must prove that the funds required were provided by their legal guardian for this purpose or for general use. The operator of Zessen2 is neither authorized nor obligated to verify the truthfulness of the information provided by users. If a user provided false information during registration, concealed their minor status, or falsely claimed to have the legal guardian\'s consent, and then requests a refund from the operator of Zessen2, the operator is not obligated to comply with such requests and is not required to refund the payment for services already used.

The user account

Virtual items and in-game trading

During the game, users can store and use virtual items in their user account (character, inventory, storage) obtained through lawful in-game trading with other users or purchased for virtual currency (Zessen Coins) via the official Zessen2 website (Zessen2) in the Item Market section. The operator’s responsibility as part of its database management activity is limited to maintaining the records of these virtual items. The rightful user of the items registered in the user accounts is exclusively the user associated with the account, who is responsible for their lawful use. The user cannot transfer the management of their account to others (account sharing is prohibited), and in the event of the items being lost, illegally transferred, or improperly used, the user cannot claim that someone else had control over the items or account. The operator of Zessen2 is only obligated to investigate the circumstances of any missing items from the user account if a database management error occurred. The operator will only restore the contents of the user account in the event of a database management error, returning it to the state prior to the error, as recorded in the system.

Registered users can trade (exchange) with each other during the game using items they have legally acquired. The exchange value is determined between the users at their own risk. The items used in the trade cannot be exchanged for Zessen coins or any other legal currency. Users must act with great caution during trade or exchange, as the operator cannot cancel a completed transaction.

Ordering Zessen Coins

The ordering of Zessen coins is available on the official website under the Zessen Coin menu in the user account at a general or occasionally discounted rate. The order is placed through SMS payment by sending the keyword found in the Zessen Coin menu and the account number provided there to one of the displayed phone numbers, depending on how many Zessen Coins the user wants to order. If the SMS is successfully sent, the SMS service provider confirms it with a reply SMS, which is then automatically forwarded to the Zessen2 operator, where the Zessen Coins are immediately credited. In exchange for the amount paid via SMS, the operator of Zessen2 provides database management services.

Zessen coins can be ordered for any registered user by anyone, provided that the person making the payment has control over the funds.

The operator of Zessen2 does not take responsibility for any irregularities or fraud related to the acquisition of Zessen coins.

The use of the game

The user acknowledges that using Zessen2 online game involves the same risks as other online games and other applications operating under similar systems, or generally, the Internet. The operator of the game is not legally obligated to provide general or detailed information about potential risks. The user is responsible for being informed about these risks and must acknowledge that their activities in the game carry the possibility of loss. Therefore, the user cannot claim that they did not receive proper and sufficient information if they suffered damage due to their account or any of their hardware or software being affected by a harmful influence. Consequently, the operator of Zessen2 is not obligated to provide compensation for actual or perceived damages to the user account. Likewise, the operator is not obligated to restore the previous state or content of the user account if it is proven that the damage was caused by the user\'s negligence, failure to follow data protection and confidentiality rules, and/or the use of illegal, unlawful tools.

The operator of Zessen2 is entitled to monitor the texts posted by users and to delete offensive, defamatory, or illegal content, but it is not possible to monitor these continuously.

The operator strives to maintain continuous operation of the game but cannot guarantee it, as disruptions beyond their control may occur.

The operator of Zessen2 has the right to judge whether a player\'s behavior violates the Terms of Service and has the right to apply the appropriate punishment based on the severity of the violation.

Possible penalties:

The operator of Zessen2 draws the user\'s attention to the violation and issues a warning.

If the severity of the violation requires it, the operator of Zessen2 may temporarily suspend the user\'s communication abilities.

If the severity of the violation requires it, the operator of Zessen2 may temporarily or even permanently ban the user from the game.

In very serious violation cases, the operator of Zessen2 may permanently ban the user from accessing the game from certain IP addresses.

Contact, reporting

Reports, complaints, observations, and questions regarding the user account or the game can be made in two ways: either by sending an email from the email address associated with the user account, provided during registration, to the customer support email info@Zessen2, or by logging into the user interface on the official website and using the form found under the Help menu. The operator only provides support for comments submitted through one of these two methods, within 96 hours of receiving the comment. The operator will not deal with content sent from an email address different from the registration email, even if the sender claims to be the owner of the user account.

Assisting with the game

Questions and issues arising in the game, as well as monitoring adherence to the game rules, are handled by the system supervisor and in collaboration with the GM (Game Master) players, collectively referred to as Team members. They cannot give virtual items or Zessen Coins. They provide verbal assistance to players and filter out rule violators. If a player breaks a rule or rules, Team members take appropriate action according to the rules. If a player is punished, the punished player can file a complaint against the punishment by logging into their user account and filling out the form found under the Help menu.

Termination of the user account

If the user indicates through any contact option that they wish to delete their user account, the operator is obliged to make the account inaccessible. This will terminate the account\'s accessibility, but the data associated with the account will not be deleted from the system.

If a user account does not use its character for more than four months, i.e., does not play, the character will be automatically deactivated, and it will no longer be possible to play with it.

Data Management

The operator of Zessen2 manages, safeguards, and protects personal data provided by the user during registration, in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

The user hereby irrevocably consents to the Zessen2 operator recording and fully managing the following:

  • The data provided by the user during registration.
  • The login data of visitors to the Zessen2 website.
  • The time spent in the game.
  • The user\'s messages (sent to the operator or other players), and any personal data provided in those messages.
  • The data of transactions related to virtual items.

The data managed by the operator includes: name, email address, username, game name, the date and duration of the transaction, the subject of the user\'s message, its text, and other data included in the message.

If the user has paid for a service and/or participated in trading between users, the operator of Zessen2 retains the data for the statute of limitations period specified by law.

The operator of Zessen2 considers it binding not to transfer the data held by them to any third party under any circumstances, except in cases where a higher legal regulation overriding the operator\'s policies requires it.

The operator of Zessen2 ensures the security of data management through technical, organizational, and structural measures that provide a level of protection appropriate to the risks associated with data management.

During the service, the operator of Zessen2 uses IT tools for handling personal data in such a way that the managed data:

a) accessible to those authorized (availability);

b) authenticity and authentication are ensured (data authenticity);

c) its immutability is verified (data integrity);

d) protected against unauthorized access (data confidentiality).

The IT system and network of Zessen2\'s operator are protected against computer-aided fraud, espionage, sabotage, vandalism, fire, flood, as well as computer viruses, hacking, and denial-of-service attacks. The operator ensures security through server-level and application-level protection procedures.

Game Rules


  1. Registration for the game is done on the Zessen2 website by accepting the Terms of Service and Game Rules.
  2. During registration, you choose a username, password, and you must provide an email address under your control, on which your user account is based, as well as your full name.
  3. During registration, provide an email address that is exclusively under your control, to which no one else has access, and that is secured with a strong password. After registration, we can only send any information related to your account to this email address, not to any other. By using your registration email address, you confirm that the account belongs to you.
  4. Only complaints sent from the email address provided during account registration or through the internal message found in the Help section of your user account will be handled.
  5. IT IS FORBIDDEN to share or transfer the username, password, or registration email address with others, or to disclose login details to anyone else.
  6. IT IS FORBIDDEN to share or jointly use a user account. We cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from this.
  7. IT IS FORBIDDEN to use racial/ethnic/national/religious/ideological/hate-inciting/offensive/obscene/profane/vulgar/harassing or defamatory usernames, character names, or guild names during registration! Such accounts will be deleted without justification!
  8. IT IS FORBIDDEN to use brand names or copyrighted names (e.g., Budmil, Adidas, TDK, Radeon, Nvidia, etc.) as usernames, character names, or guild names! Such accounts may be deleted without justification!
  9. IT IS FORBIDDEN to use misleading data in game names (e.g., GM, Team, Admin, or any other name suggesting a Team member)! Such accounts may be deleted without justification!
  10. If you are under 18 years old, you may only register with the consent of your parents or guardians!
  11. The player is responsible for the safe management of the account created on the website.
  12. The user is obligated to keep their data confidential from other players! They must not disclose it to third parties!
  13. The owner of the user account is responsible for all activities/events that occur within the account. If someone else accesses the account and commits a violation, the account owner is responsible for the consequences (this includes family members).
  14. Proper registration entitles the user to use the database management service provided by the game operator.

Behavior in the game

  1. Help new players, be polite! Don’t exploit their naivety! Everyone was once a beginner!
  2. IT IS FORBIDDEN to exploit in-game bugs to gain any advantage over other players!
  3. After the war begins, until one guild reaches 20 points, IT IS FORBIDDEN to leave.

Communication on the server (call/chat/private message)

  1. The official languages for Zessen2 services are Hungarian and English (this applies to in-game private messages, clan pages, clan applications, shout messages, and chat).

Game Masters

  1. GMs in the game are responsible for the smooth operation of the game, enforcing and ensuring compliance with the game rules, and providing assistance to players with questions or issues related to the game.
  2. GMs use a GM sign that distinguishes them from other players!
  3. GMs will never ask for your username or password in the game! If this happens, you are dealing with a fake GM! NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR INFORMATION TO ANYONE! If you do, we are not responsible for any damages that may result!
  4. If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the GMs, contact the SGA or SA.
  5. GMs cannot and will not give items, virtual currency, rank, or levels to players.
  6. GMs cannot be members of players\' clans.
  7. GMs do not threaten, ask for items, or perform item checks. If you notice this, you are dealing with a fake GM! Report it immediately!


  1. IT IS FORBIDDEN to exploit any in-game bugs to gain an advantage!
  2. IT IS FORBIDDEN to use any scripts, bots, or external programs that alter or influence the game engine/mechanics!
  3. IT IS FORBIDDEN to use software that operates without human control and/or independently of the displayed content! Every click sent from the client to the server must come from a living person, not an automated system.
  4. If a player notices that another player is cheating in any way, they are obligated to report it immediately!

Technical Rules

  1. The server operates continuously (24/7) as much as possible, but this operation is not guaranteed by the operator.
  2. IT IS FORBIDDEN to hinder the proper functioning of the server.
  3. IT IS FORBIDDEN to engage in activities that cause excessive load on the server resources.
  4. IT IS FORBIDDEN to modify the game client program in any way.
  5. IT IS FORBIDDEN to run any program/application in parallel with the client program that has any direct or indirect effect on the client, removes functions, or adds new ones. The only exceptions are programs authorized by the admin and available for download on the game’s (Zessen2) website. These programs are freely usable.


  1. The punishment can range from a warning, a simple chat ban, to temporary or permanent banishment! Everyone must fully comply with all points!

Zessen Coins users are NOT EXEMPT from the RULES! If the Terms of Service or Game Rules are violated, they can also be penalized.

Zessen coins cannot be transferred to another user.

The operator reserves the right to modify/change the game rules, which will be published on the game\'s website and associated forum.

The operator reserves the right to ban the account from the game if the player has seriously violated the game rules.

If you do not agree with any part of the Terms of Service or Game Rules, you may not register or use the game!

By registering for the Zessen2 game, website, or forum, you agree to all points of the Game Rules and Terms of Service and consider them binding upon yourself.